The Healthiest Cuisine - International Media

The health benefits of the Greek (Mediterranean) diet were first discovered in the 1950′s and have withstood 50 years of rigorous scientific study. Today,the worldwide scientific community,   reminds us of the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid below, and provides an extensive “Olive Oil & Health” summarizing the benefits of olive oil for each of many different health conditions – cardiovascular diseases, antioxidant properties, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, the immune system, digestion, pregnancy and childhood, aging, and skin care.

  September 2004
Traditional Mediterranean diet and longevity in the elderly
 Cambridge University Press

Dr. Antonia Trichopoulou
The Mediterranean culture, more than most others,
integrates the past and the present. Some 20 countries
can be thought of as Mediterranean. Their populations
vary in culture, ethnicity, religion, economic development
and other factors that can influence dietary intake. But the
dietary patterns that prevail in the Mediterranean region
have many common characteristics. Most of them stem
from the fact that olive oil occupies a central position...

                                                        August  2010

There's a good reason docs love the Mediterranean diet: Traditional Greek foods like dark leafy veggies, fresh fruit, high-fiber beans, lentils, grains, olive oil, and omega-3-rich fish deliver lots of immune-boosting and cancer-fighting ingredients that cut your risks of heart disease, diabetes, and other diet-related ailments. 
                                                       Read More

                                                       November 2012

The Greek island diet you can eat forever
Thanks to a healthy, natural diet, people living on the Greek island of Ikaria enjoy extraordinary longevity... Read more...       

                                                      October 2012
The Island Where People Forget to Die

                                                                                    May 2013

Mediterranean diet is brain food
Study shows higher scores on cognitive tests

                                                                                  May 2013

The Mediterranean Diet Makes Cancer Cells “Mortal,” Researchers Say....